A FEnomenal Journey: Beneath the Paint

A journey through life, love, and leadership.

Life truly has its way of showing you who’s boss. Just when you think you’ve identified your purpose in life, another door opens. I am Felecia Frayall, a Jacqueline of many trades, and a master of most. I’ve decided to start a blog to share some of my most inner fears, failures and successes. For those who know me personally, the picture may seem to have been painted perfectly, but if you look a little closer, the brush used, applied much pressure to my canvas. And with every stroke of gentleness or aggression, the final product produced greatness. Now it’s time to reveal the true craftmanship behind this masterpiece.

Who Am I?

I am a purpose seeker, a leadership queen, a passionate advocate, a mother of 3, and a wife to my soulmate. I am many things, but the one thing I am not, is a failure. Sure, I have failed at a few things in life, but I didn’t allow those failing moments to make me a failure. I am a visionary, who see’s past where I’ve been, and what I’ve been through; I simply see where I’m going, and what assignment I have to accomplish when I arrive there.  I am love, honesty, and I am perfectly imperfect.

Why Blog Now?

A few years ago, God showed me a vision that scared me nearly to death. And every time I shared that vision with other believers, it would give me goose bumps and bring me to tears. At the tender age of 24, God revealed that I had a gift that most people will never receive, he gave me vision to see past my circumstances. He showed me that people all over the world would know my name. I saw myself speaking before thousands of people, signing autographs, and publishing books. Inside of me I hold hundreds of testimonies, childhood stories, relationship advice, parenting successes and failures, steps to leadership, journeys through faith and spirituality, and so much more that I am willing to share with you! And although years have passed since God revealed the greatness that awaits me, he tends to remind me that I AM NOT WAITING ON SUCCESS, BUT THAT SUCCESSS IS WAITING ON ME!

What can you expect from A FEnomenal Journey?

You can expect a genuine perspective on life, love, and leadership. Some articles may have you in gut busting laughter, while others have you in a corner in tears. Please know that everything I chose to share will be from my personal life and personal experiences that have shaped the me into the person I am today. So, I will dig deep to rediscover the things that caused hurt, and or motivated me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. As I explore this journey, I hope that you would read along and encourage others to read about this FEnomenal Journey!

Signing off until next time,

Felecia Frayall